
Donald Joseph Qualls - better popularly known as DJ Qualls - is a actor, model, and producer from America. Apart from his Road Trip role, he also appeared in The New Guy Hustle & Flow as well as The Core. The actor has also been featured in more than 22 shows on television like Breaking Bad Supernatural Scrubs Lost Law & Order and others. Qualls has survived Hodgkin's lymphoma. The first time he was diagnosed when he turned 14 years of age. Two years after treatment, the cancer is now in Remission. The body of his was greatly damaged by the treatment and development slowed down. When he began acting, as if financial security was his ultimate goal as the experience of poverty was a constant throughout his life. I've lived so frugally for so long I have been able to enjoy that financial security or the world feels beyond my control, he said in an interview. In addition, when he thinks back to his own youth and his desire to make a difference in the issue of bullying. "Cruelty is a pain to me," he said. In real life and on the screen, DJ could love to be a father. But he says "Directors do not cast me in the roles I'm in." One day he'd love to have a baby to allow him to devote much less of his time to more attention to the baby.

D-J-Qualls D-J-Qualls D-J-Qualls D-J-Qualls D-J-Qualls D-J-Qualls D-J-Qualls D-J-Qualls


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